Get outside! Camping and crafts.

When you read this I will be gone. I know that sounds ominous but really it's wonderful. I am going on a socially distant, wild excursion with semi-happy teenagers and an enthusiastic husband. We are heading to the UP of Michigan to do some camping!
There is just something about getting out of the house and getting in to the woods and in Michigan we are blessed with beautiful lakes, woods, mountains and parks. So I thought this week's blog would be full of ways to get out and do something back to nature, even if it has to be your yard or a park nearby.
Tips for Camping
Discover Mini-cabins
True confession. In 2018 on a trip with friends, I swore to never again sleep in a tent. NEVER AGAIN. It was too much work to get ready, everything is always damp and sleeping on the ground is not my favorite thing.
And then I discovered something amazing. Mini-cabins! State and National Parks don't just have tents they have these magical little buildings called mini-cabins. They aren't like staying in airbnb or anything fancy but they do have beds, walls and usually even a light. I can get my fix of nature and be in the parks I love but I don't have to bring a tent or air mattress to enjoy them.
Bring Games!
The thing I love about camping is the family time. Wifi is almost non-existent and cell data barely works at most state parks. It forces my kids to put down the device and join us, mostly of their own accord.
We love games. Have you seen our game night mat? It was totally inspired by my families obsession with playing games together in restaurants, at the dinner table or dining table. My husband has a bag in the car at all times with UNO and a deck of cards. When camping we use those religiously and we have to play our favorite game, Catan The Board Game. When my husband spent almost $50 for a game, I about choked but we really do play it often and everyone participates. Its kind of a miracle
Use nature in crafts
I know everyone can't just pack up and head out, especially during the COVID crisis. So I have been playing online and found these amazing women who have created some wonderful camping themed crafts that are simple and fun.
Have a wonderful week and I will write soon!
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