Making learning fun at home Pre-school - 2nd grade

There are long lists of things that do not make learning fun: worksheets, sitting still, plain old pencils, etc etc. But kids need to learn and we need to teach, whether as a supplement to classroom learning or as a home school parent.
So how can we make learning more fun? This was on my brain this week as our customer favorite Alphabet Flash Cards came back in stock FINALLY
and I launched our new Find the Fraction mat.
What have I found that I know makes learning fun? Our Instagram page is a treasure trove of fun learning activities. If you haven't followed us yet, do so here. Since not everyone is on Instragram, I have listed my top 5 activities for younger kids with links directly to the original post.
1. Play with shapes
I love how this activity uses nature and easily found supplies to reinforce shapes. This is fundamental math and is perfect for the littlest learners.
2. Stickers are fun.
I have yet to meet a child who doesn't think stickers are fun. This great activity is specifically designed to help kids with counting but what if you took it up a level for the older kids? Create a plus and minus card and then have them match up the sticker cards to create the "answer". Best of all with all of the back to school sales, index cards and stickers are at low prices if you want to stock up.
3. Contractions
@learnwithmisslaura came up with this one and it is pure brilliance. After spending some time on Facebook I am pretty sure some adults need this activity too. Although this means writing on your blocks, it will be worth it when your child can accurately use "it's"
4. Fine motor, art and writing in one!
My kids always learned best through art. Copying a sentence and cutting our a worksheet is a boring way to work on fine motor skills. Creating a card for your family is NOT boring.
5. Am I filled with goo?
No joke, my son asked me that question and that led to a full on anatomy lesson. This is a fun way to use household items to show kids that there is a lot more to them than goo.
I hope these have inspired you to try a little something different with at home education. Feel free to tell me your brilliant ideas for fun and learning! When you submit a photo of your kid's being creative you score a free chalkboard placemat!
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